Volume 15 Issue 1: June 2001

Editorial Introduction

Turkish Banking at the Crossroads

Refik Erzan

Annual Macroeconomics Conference of Bogazici University, Center for Economics and Econometrics (CEE)

Bank Restructuring in Emerging Markets: An Institutional Perspective

Ajay Chhibber

Bank Restructuring in Emerging Markets: A Market Perspective

Ann Lopez

An Overview of the Turkish Banking Sector

Cevdet Akçay, Refik Erzan and Reha Yolalan

Impact of the Disinflation Program on the Turkish Banking Sector

Emre Alper, Hakan Berüment and Kamuran Malatyalı

The Likely Impact of Mergers and Acquisitions on the Turkish Banking Sector: A Stylized Model and Simulations

Ayşe Mumcu-Serdar, Mehmet Orhan and Ünal Zenginobuz

Structural Dissimilarity in Turkish Banks: 1988-1999

Fuad Aleskerov, Hasan Ersel and Muhammed Mercan

Problem Bank Resolution: Options and Consequences

Cevdet Denizer and Kerim Gökay